The College of Emergency Medicine asks Fellows to represent their views on a number of other bodies. The list of representatives and the expectations of the College of those representatives is available here
If Fellows are interested in getting more involved in College matters, they should write to the President indicating their area of interest and time and skills available.
The College is looking for a Fellow to act as co-ordinator for NICE Guidance. The role outline is as follows:
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) produces a large number of Guidelines that impact on the work of Emergency Physicians. College needs to have an input into the design of NICE Guidelines either through representation on Guideline Development Groups, response to the consultation of interested parties or at a policy level through the Academy�s representation on the NICE Partners Council.
In order to track NICE activity that is relevant to Emergency Medicine and to co-ordinate College�s input into the process a lead is needed within the College.
1) To prepare an annual report for Council on NICE activity.
2) To undertake a monthly review of the NICE website
a. To identify which planned Guidelines are relevant to Emergency Medicine
b. To sign up CEM as an �interested party� so that we will be involved in the consultation process
3) To track who is representing NICE on Guideline Development Groups, and to ensure that our representatives report back and consult College Officers on key issues.
4) To co-ordinate CEM input into the process by which NICE identifies topics suitable for future guidelines.
5) To co-ordinate CEM input into the consultation phase of Guideline development.
6) To advise the President(and Council) of any issues of policy that may need to be taken to NICE via the Academy�s representation on the NICE Partner�s Council.
7) To liaise with the Clinical Effectiveness Committee of BAEM
Time required
It is estimated that this activity will take approximately 0.25 PA per week.
If any Fellow is insterested in taking on this work, please contact Mrs Gerardine Beckett with a breif letter outlining your interest and commitment to the role.
Articles / Documents