This group is compiling our logbook, annual assessments, appraisals, 360s, self directed learning, conference and courses etc into a paperless, electronic portfolio which will stay with you from ST1 through to retirement. There are great ideas for helpful links and easy ways to amalgamate sections as required for the various hurdles we have to meet eg RITAs, CV, CPD, Reevaluation.
If you feel passionate about how your portfolio could be less of a paper pushing exercise and how the logbook could be improved you would be ideal to volunteer to work at the College level.
(The group meets every few months and aims to complete the project in two years. A combination of young ie ST3 and old ie ST5 level registrars are required)
Out Of Programme Experience
Retrospective approval of unrecognised training toward CCT will end on 31 July 2024. This means that if an SpR has done overseas training, a period of research or other OOPE which did not have prior College approval they will not be able to get it approved after 31 July 2024. PMETB have said there will be no exceptions to this rule.
The College is particularly concerned about trainees who were appointed with overseas posts as part of their 24 month requirement for entry to training and have not yet sent their CV for enrolment. They should contact Stella Galea urgently.
The following
groups of trainees have until 31 July 2024 to receive retrospective approval from their College for
training/research in posts not approved by PMETB as part of a CCT
programme. PMETB will honour the College�s decisions until 31 July
2024 and no further documentation need be submitted to PMETB:
who were appointed to SpR posts by 1 January 2024 and who will take up
those posts by 31 July 2024 e.g. a doctor in India with a MD in
his/her specialty who was exempt from some of the CCT programme by
virtue of the Indian training; and
who have already applied to their College for training/research in a
non-approved post (in the UK or overseas) that they want accredited
towards a CCT.