EMTA is the Emergency Medicine Trainees� Association, formerly known as BAETA. Emergency Medicine is a rapidly evolving specialty, challenging dynamic doctors to provide a great service to patients. Anyone in the UK, training for a career in Emergency Medicine can join EMTA and ensure that they are involved in shaping the changes that lie ahead.
EMTA represents the views of all Emergency Medicine trainees on the major councils and committees in the UK. The Committee consists of the Executive Committee and the larger Council on which the regional representatives sit. Members of EMTA are actively involved at both local and national level. At the College of Emergency Medicine (CEM) trainees contribute to the work of the Council, Merger Board, the Training Standards Committee, the Clinical Effectiveness Committee, the Education and Examination Committee and the Research Committee. At a local level trainees� views are put forward by the representative to maintain a good standard of training and an environment conducive to improving their clinical practice.
The Modernising Medical Careers programme is changing the face of Emergency Medicine training as we know it. The Acute Care Common Stem offers a new and exciting introduction to Acute Medicine, Intensive Care and Anaesthetics in addition to Emergency Medicine. Our specialty has an exemplary curriculum and an entrance and exit exam that is constantly revised to quality assure the new generation of consultants. With the creation of PMETB, regular Government targets and the changing configuration of urgent care, it is more important than ever to be proactive not reactive.
EMTA holds an annual conference in the autumn, covering both clinical Emergency Medicine and trainees� issues. It is the perfect opportunity to get involved if you haven�t already. If you cannot make this sociable event, then liaise with your regional representative to exchange views and push important training issues forward. Email me to become a member and make sure your email address on the College website is up to date.
Please join and let us know what concerns you for your future in Emergency Medicine.
We hope that the EMTA website will prove to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in training in Emergency Medicine. We hope to include guidance on all aspects of training, and welcome any suggestions, feedback or contributions to the site content. The shared resources section of the combined website promises to be a great resource for trainees and educators, and we'd encourage anyone with a presentation, CTR, guideline summary or audit to share their hard work with others.
It is essential that members keep their details up-to-date on the website, so that they receive e-mail updates on training / EM news. To do this, login, then go to ADMIN > Change My Details. EMTA will disseminate information via members' email contact details, via the EMJ Supplement, and in the NEWS and MEMBERS' SECTION (you need to log in to see this).
If you have anything to contribute, or are having trouble locating any information you think should be included here, do not hesitate to let us know.